Can Nighttime Aligners Safely Move Teeth?
Many direct to consumer companies have been promoting nighttime aligners as the newest, most convenient way to move your teeth. These companies make it sound so simple and hassle free—wear your aligners 10 hours a day for about 10 months and presto, your teeth will be straight. Does this sound too good to be true? You bet it is because it runs counter to everything scientifically known about the physiology of tooth movement and long-term stability.

So what are the facts about tooth movement? First and foremost, in order for teeth to move through bone, they need light continuous pressure, which means 20 to 22 hours per day of force. Why is this necessary? When a force is applied to a tooth, the periodontal ligament that surrounds the tooth is compressed on the pressure side and stretched on the tension side. Cells in the bone supporting the root are activated on both sides of the tooth—removing bone on the pressure side and laying down new bone on the tension side. It is important that this physiologic process not be interrupted so that inflammatory response can occur naturally. As a result, light continuous forces allow teeth to move through bone in a healthy and efficient manner.
Now, what is potentially happening with nighttime wear of aligners? When the aligners are placed at night, the teeth feel pressure, initiate the inflammatory process and begin to move as the periodontal ligament is compressed. However, the force load is intermittent (when the aligners are removed during the day) and the teeth immediately begin to drift back to their original position. In addition, the forces of occlusion (inter-arch contacts) during chewing also reposition the newly moved teeth. As a result, this back and forth movement day in and day out causes continuous trauma to the teeth and supporting bone. This is not a healthy environment for the dentition and surrounding structures
So how do these companies get away with claiming that nighttime aligners work? Because they specify that nighttime trays only work with patients who have very minor problems like a small amount of spacing between the teeth or very mild crowding. Even then, the chance of success or long-term stability is greatly diminished with nighttime aligner wear. Here is another thought—most orthodontists have their patients wear their retainers at nighttime to prevent shifting of teeth—they are not designed to move teeth. They’re used to make sure your teeth settle in place permanently.

“Wearing an invisible aligner only at nighttime to correct your teeth is like having a broken foot and wearing a cast only when you sleep” Dr. Hurst
Candid, one of the direct to consumer clear aligner companies, even wrote an online letter to their potential customers about their concerns with nighttime aligners. Here is an excerpt from that letter by their co-founder, Dr. Hurst:
“There have been no peer-reviewed studies published to date on the efficacy of nighttime aligners. At the end of the day, we need answers to a few basic questions: What exactly is this new “nightly wear technology”? How does this approach to aligner therapy differ from standard clear aligners? And how does this type of treatment impact one’s bio-physiology?
All that aside, I’ll admit it: Nighttime aligners basically sell themselves: “Now clear aligner therapy is more accessible and convenient than ever!” “Your care, on your schedule!” But, as doctors specializing in orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics we have a clear responsibility to our patients: do no harm. Without more evidence that nighttime aligners are safe and effective, I can’t support nighttime aligner therapy at this point in time.”
I couldn’t agree more wholeheartedly with Dr. Hurst’s assessment of nighttime aligners: their proven lack of efficacy and their potential for harm. Consumers should not fall for marketing hype. Remember the old adage – if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is too good to be true!
If you have questions about the benefits of Invisalign treatment, please call Visage Orthodontics at 505-670-6145 or visit our appointment page to schedule a complimentary consultation with me, Dr. Tanner, your Santa Fe Invisalign specialist. I will review everything in detail and develop a customized treatment plan to fit your lifestyle and budget.
A confident and beautiful smile is right around the corner!
Life After Invisalign Treatment
Congratulations! You have now completed Invisalign treatment and you have been given a set of retainers to wear the rest of your life. Ughh!!! What a downer–wouldn’t it be nice if your teeth could be set in stone after orthodontic treatment and you would never have to worry about them moving again. Just like putting a book on the bookshelf and knowing it was always in the same place! If only that were true!!!

No worries . . . you made it through the difficult part–straightening your teeth while wearing your aligners 20 to 22 hours per day. You developed a lot of good habits while undergoing Invisalign treatment and there is no reason to give up those habits now that you are in the retention phase of your care.
Here are four tips for conquering life after Invisalign!
1. Wear Your Retainers Consistently
First and foremost, wear your retainers consistently for 8 to 10 hours a day for at least the first 6 months. This will give the fibers that interconnect your teeth a chance to reconfigure and readjust to the new tooth positions. Think of these fibers as rubber bands that get stretched during orthodontic tooth movement. Enough time needs to pass for the fibers to reorganize into a more passive state. After 6 months, wearing retainers at night is sufficient and if you miss a night here or there—no big deal. The best feedback to let you know if you are wearing your retainers enough is if they feel tight upon initial placement or if your teeth feel sore in the morning after wearing the retainers all night long. Any pressure or tooth tenderness means you need more hours with your retainers (teeth are shifting)! Also, be sure to brush your retainers thoroughly every morning so they stay fresh and clean.
2. Keep Up With Cleaning
Remember how diligent you were cleaning your teeth before putting your aligners back in your mouth? Your teeth were probably never cleaner nor your gums more healthy. Keep the good times rolling in your mouth! The basic recommendation in the dental community is to brush your teeth twice a day and floss once a day. But that is the minimum level of home care. Ideally, keep up with cleaning your teeth after each meal and floss at least once a day or whenever your feel food stuck between your teeth. A good mouthwash can also be a benefit. Look for a mouthwash that is alcohol free, has fluoride, and is approved by the American Dental Association.

In addition to taking care of your teeth on a daily basis, don’t forget about seeing your dentist at least twice a year for semi-annual check ups and cleanings. This will allow for professional teeth cleanings and catch any potential dental problems in their infancy before little issues become expensive and painful problems. Sometimes the dentist or hygienist will recommend more frequent recalls if you are someone who builds tartar or has challenges keeping your teeth clean. Be sure to follow their recommendations! However, keeping your teeth clean on a daily basis should be a lot easier now that they are aligned!
3. Stay Away from Sugary and Starchy Snacks
Another good habit that was developed during Invisalign treatment was the reduction of snacking throughout the day. Snacking per se is not bad but snacking on certain foods—those that are high in starches and sugars—definitely creates an environment in our mouth that increases plaque, which can lead to tooth decay. Besides, many times we snack even though we are not hungry—it is just because food is present. Most of us abstained from snacking while undergoing Invisalign treatment because it was too much of a hassle—so consider declining that office doughnut next time! Your teeth and waistline will thank you!!
4. Now is the Time to Make Cosmetic Changes
Another consideration now that your teeth are straight is teeth whitening. There are some good over the counter products for teeth whitening (Crest 3DWhitestrips) but more effective teeth whitening can be accomplished in the dental office or at home with bleaching trays made by your dentist. One thing to remember about teeth whitening is that teeth can become very sensitive so it is important to start slowly. Otherwise, you won’t be eating your favorite ice cream for a while!
One last post orthodontic plan of action is to talk to your orthodontist or dentist about manicuring uneven edges on the front teeth (incisors). These chips and wear facets developed from the daily grinding due to your old bite but are now more evident with the alignment of your teeth. Re-leveling the edges is easy, painless and safe. And, it can make a huge cosmetic difference! Just one more cosmetic trick to make your smile really pop!
If you have questions about the benefits of Invisalign treatment, please call Visage Orthodontics at 505-670-6145 or visit our appointment page to schedule a complimentary consultation with me, Dr. Tanner, your Santa Fe Invisalign specialist. I will review everything in detail and develop a customized treatment plan to fit your lifestyle and budget.
A confident and beautiful smile is right around the corner!
Your Invisalign Experience
No matter what choice you make to straighten your teeth, there is always an adaptation period. Fortunately with Invisalign, this period is short and easy.
Many patients are curious what an Invisalign experience is like and the impact Invisalign may have on their daily routine. First and foremost, of any system on the market for straightening teeth, Invisalign is by far and away the least invasive. No matter what choice you make to straighten your teeth, there is always an adaptation period. Fortunately with Invisalign, this period is short and easy.

Let’s say you have made the decision to choose Invisalign to correct your smile—what happens next? Assuming that you have had a recent check up / cleaning and there is no outstanding dental work, the first step is to scan your teeth with an iTero digital scanner and take digital x-rays (panorex or full mouth set) plus photos. These records are then sent to Align Technology and uploaded to create a 3D tooth and bite simulation. The orthodontist plays a critical role at this junction because he or she directs the individual tooth movements, the timing and rate of these movements, attachment designs, and auxiliaries (such as elastics). All of these decisions are based upon the doctor’s experience and more specifically the doctor’s understanding as to how teeth respond to pressure from plastic (which differs from braces). Once the orthodontist is satisfied with the clinical set-up and outcome, the case is approved and the aligners are manufactured.
The next appointment is usually about 3 to 4 weeks after the records appointment and is typically about an hour in length. At the first aligner delivery appointment, attachments are placed on your teeth. Attachments are tooth colored “buttons” that provide added points of retention or active pressure points for enhancing the effectiveness of the aligners. You will receive between 6 to 10 aligners and be instructed to change the aligners every 7 to 10 days. Most adult patients can change their aligners on a weekly rotation but the KEY is that the aligners be worn 20 to 22 hours per day.
Aligners are typically changed at night when you are ready to transition from one aligner to the next. (NOTE: It is important to hold onto prior aligners if something happens to the current aligner or if the orthodontist requests that you backtrack due to a tooth or teeth not moving properly). Subsequent appointments are every 8 to 10 weeks for the delivery of additional aligners. Aligners are easily kept clean with toothbrush and toothpaste, which should be done at least twice a day. In addition, aligners can be periodically soaked in denture/retainer cleaner if necessary.

So what does it feel like wearing 2 pieces of plastic and how does it impact one’s daily routine? If you have ever bleached your teeth with bleaching trays—the experience is very similar. It does not feel that different having aligners in the mouth because most of us do not keep our teeth in contact unless we are chewing food—that even holds true when we are talking! Sometimes it is easy to get in the habit of clenching on the aligners and you have to remind yourself to keep your lips together and your teeth apart. With each new set of aligners, your teeth may get sore for about a day—which is significantly less than braces. The best advice is to take two Advil the night you change your aligners at bedtime. The only potential irritation to the lips and cheeks likely will come from adapting to the attachments. The aligners themselves are smooth and well contoured to the gingival margins, thus ensuring a custom fit. The attachments, depending upon their design, can initially rub the inside of the lips and cheeks when the aligners are not in place while eating. Over time, “callouses” build up and the attachments are no longer an issue.

The number one challenge is around food and drink. The aligners need to be removed while eating and drinking any beverage that is not clear. If you like to snack or sip coffee, then the best option is to consolidate your snack times and either reduce your coffee intake or drink through a straw. And of course, the teeth need to be clean before replacing your aligners—a vigorous rinse or better yet, a thorough brushing is necessary!
You might be amazed at some of the ancillary health benefits that come from wearing Invisalign aligners. Many patients mention losing a few pounds and they feel their teeth have never been cleaner—all while straightening their teeth!!
If you have questions about the benefits of Invisalign treatment, please call Visage Orthodontics at 505-670-6145 or visit our appointment page to schedule a complimentary consultation with me, Dr. Tanner, your Santa Fe Invisalign specialist. I will review everything in detail and develop a customized treatment plan to fit your lifestyle and budget.
A confident and beautiful smile is right around the corner!
Can You Be Treated With Invisalign?

Invisalign is a very advanced tooth moving system that can not only perform at the same level as braces but in some cases, outperform braces.
I often hear comments or feedback that Invisalign does not work or that Invisalign cannot correct “my teeth or bite”. The truth of the matter is that Invisalign is a very advanced tooth moving system that can perform at the same level as braces (if worn as indicated) and in some situations, outperform braces. The key to successful Invisalign treatment is careful treatment planning and proper execution of the simulated tooth movements. Invisalign works most effectively and efficiently in the hands of a highly skilled Invisalign clinician. Experienced doctors understand the nuances of the system and as a result, these orthodontists achieve the most successful outcomes. Invisalign works best by pushing teeth versus pulling teeth (which is the traditional way of tooth movement with braces).
Here is a list of the different types of malocclusions that can be treated with Invisalign:
- Crowding
- Spacing
- Overbite
- Crossbite
- Open bite
- Deep bite
The following are examples of cases successfully treated in my practice with Invisalign. Most cases were completed in less than a year.
Crowding is the most prevalent malocclusion. Interestingly it is commonly seen in patients who have had prior orthodontic treatment and subsequently stopped wearing or lost their retainers. Front incisors (typically the lower anterior teeth) begin to shift and the patient becomes concerned about the relapse. In addition, the bite will deepen which exacerbates the overlap of the lower teeth.

Spacing of teeth is seen less often than crowding but can be very straightforward to treat with Invisalign. The key to spacing correction is determining the cause of the problem and addressing the root issue (small teeth, tongue thrust, weak perioral musculature, finger or thumb sucking habit) either before or after orthodontic treatment.

Another frequently occurring malocclusion is an overbite. This problem can be due to flared upper teeth, tipped back lower teeth or a jaw coordination issue (small bottom jaw or protruding top jaw). Depending on the situation, distalization of the upper teeth (pushing the teeth back), slenderizing the upper teeth or extracting two upper side teeth can address the problem.

Crossbite (single or multiple teeth) are due to either a jaw problem (excess growth of the bottom jaw) or unfavorable eruption of the tooth / teeth. Invisalign is an excellent system to correct crossbites because the aligners unlock the dentition freeing teeth to move into their proper position without interference from the opposing arch.

Open Bite
Open bites can be very difficult to correct with braces since the mechanics of braces have a tendency to make the open bite worse. Invisalign, on the other hand, is superior to braces with these types of malocclusions and is excellent at controlling vertical movements of teeth. Invisalign is the treatment of choice in closing open bites.

Deep Bite
Deep bites usually occur in conjunction with crowding and overbites. They can be very challenging to correct but with proper treatment planning, Invisalign can achieve impressive results and open the bite. The key to successful overbite correction is overcorrecting or over engineering the tooth movements in the “virtual” setup.

Don’t be fooled when someone tells you Invisalign does not work.
In the right hands, Invisalign can successfully move teeth and correct bite problems – even better than braces in certain situations. The key to a great result is having your Invisalign treatment done by a doctor who has completed many cases and who has a deep understanding of how to get the most out of this powerful tooth moving system. Don’t be fooled when someone tells you Invisalign does not work. Invisalign is the real deal and clear aligners are so much more comfortable and efficient than traditional braces!
If you have questions about the benefits of Invisalign treatment, please call Visage Orthodontics to schedule a visit with Dr. Tanner, your Santa Fe Invisalign specialist. Dr. Tanner will review everything in detail and develop a customized treatment plan to fit your lifestyle and budget.
A confident and beautiful smile is right around the corner!
How to Have Success with Invisalign Aligners
Invisalign is an amazing system and can produce fantastic results comfortably and efficiently by following a few guidelines.
Invisalign is the #1 aligner system in the world. Started in 1998, Invisalign has firmly established itself as the industry leader in clear plastic aligner therapy having successfully treated over 10 million patients. Invisalign continues to improve their product, design, and force application systems to achieve the best and most predictable treatment outcomes. Millions and millions of dollars are poured into research and development annually in order to remain on the cutting edge in what is now a very competitive industry. Invisalign continues to do their part . . . so, what is your role in attaining an ideal result with your Invisalign aligners?

Forming good habits is key.
When you receive your Invisalign trays, the best advice is to be consistent in wearing your aligners 20+ hours per day (22 hours per day is optimal but may not be realistic between eating and cleaning). Get in the habit of putting your aligners back in your mouth immediately after you are done with a meal, snacking, or drinking anything but water. You will get to a point where is does not feel “right” without the aligners in your mouth (like getting in your car and not putting on your seat belt). In order for your teeth to successfully move with each set of aligners, there needs to be light, continual pressure.
A good visual is to picture pushing a ball up a gradual incline. As soon as you take the pressure off the ball, the ball starts to roll backwards and progress is incrementally lost. It is the same with your teeth. Every time the aligners are out of the mouth, especially for an extended period of time, your teeth begin to shift back to their original position. If there is too much tooth movement, the aligners will fit more and more poorly and small spaces will develop between the plastic and the edges of the teeth. This is a sign of trouble and may result in the need to backtrack to previous aligners or rescan to recapture the current position of the teeth (which means longer time wearing the aligners).
You will get to a point where is does not feel “right” without the aligners in your mouth (like getting in your car and not putting on your seat belt).
A very effective adjunct, in addition to wearing the aligners 20+ hours, is the daily use of “chewies”. Chewies are made of a firm plastic called Styrene Copolymer and they are about the size of a cotton roll. They are specifically designed for clear aligner treatment – to improve the fit and comfort of your Invisalign trays. Each time you replace your aligners in your mouth, take a chewie (always keep one in your retainer case) and bite down on it. “Walk” the chewie around your mouth and apply pressure for 5 to 10 minutes to fully seat the aligner – focusing on areas where the aligners may not be fully seating on a tooth or group of teeth. Upper lateral incisors can be particularly challenging to keep fully engaged during Invisalign treatment. Chewies can be used repeatedly until they lose their elasticity. Keep them clean by washing them with soap and water. An interesting fact is that you can bite down about 10 times harder (i.e. using the chewie) then pushing the aligners on with finger pressure!

Alert your doctor if problems arise.
If you see a problem developing such that an aligner is not fitting snugly or is flexing upon seating, alert your doctor. Some tooth movements can be very challenging (for aligners or braces) and there may come a point in treatment where a “reset” is necessary to capture the current position of the teeth. A set of poor or ill-fitting aligners will not improve with each subsequent set. In addition, teeth may be forced to move in an unfavorable direction, especially if an attachment is not fully seating in the aligner. A new scan and photos will be performed to generate the next series of aligners. These “additional” aligners should be included in the original treatment fee.

Advocate for your smile.
As always, be an advocate for yourself while undergoing Invisalign treatment. Do your part wearing your aligners the required number of hours, do not leave them out for more than 45 minutes at a time, keep them clean and safe and monitor the movement of your teeth and fit of the aligners on a daily basis. Be the “eyes” of the orthodontist at home and report any unusual occurrence with your Invisalign trays. Invisalign is an amazing system and can produce fantastic results comfortably and efficiently by following these guidelines.
If you have questions about the benefits of Invisalign treatment, please call Visage Orthodontics to schedule a visit with Dr. Tanner, your Santa Fe Invisalign specialist. Dr. Tanner will review everything in detail and develop a customized treatment plan to fit your lifestyle and budget.
A confident and beautiful smile is right around the corner!
The Secret Sauce of Tooth Movement
Orthodontic treatment can be magical.
On your first day in the orthodontic office, you or your child presents with a mouth full of crooked, overlapping teeth. After undergoing orthodontic treatment with Invisalign or braces for year or two, the teeth are transformed into a beautiful smile. How does this happen and is there a more comfortable way to accomplish this tooth magic?

The biology behind tooth movement.
First, without getting too stuck in the “science mud”, one must have a basic understanding of the biology behind tooth movement. Surprisingly, teeth, even though they appear to be static in the mouth, are in a constant state of flux. This occurs not only on a daily basis with chewing (teeth flexing in the sockets) but also throughout one’s lifetime: from early childhood with tooth eruption to late adulthood with dental arch changes. An important principle to remember is that teeth are programmed to respond to pressure and they will move if that pressure is maintained over a long enough period of time.
An important principle to remember is that teeth are programmed to respond to pressure and they will move if that pressure is maintained over a long enough period of time.

How do teeth move through the bones of our jaws?
It does not seem possible since bone appears to be so dense and teeth so firm in the mouth. The magic lies in the special ligament that surrounds the root. This encasing is called the periodontal ligament and it has properties to protect teeth from the forces of occlusion and external pressures. When we chew, we generate tremendous force. The periodontal ligament acts as a shock absorber and absorbs that stress. This is an intermittent force and does not result in a long-term change to the position of the tooth. However, if constant pressure is applied to the tooth, the periodontal ligament responds and begins to create modifications in the surrounding bone, which ultimately allows for the movement of the tooth.
The science of tooth movement.
Let’s dive in a little deeper into the science of tooth movement. When a tooth receives an orthodontic force, it shifts in position and the periodontal ligament in the tooth socket is compressed in some areas and stretched in others. The compression / tension of the periodontal ligament immediately changes blood flow, oxygen levels and triggers the release of chemical mediators. As a result, special cells (osteoclasts) jump into action to remove bone in front of the compression side and others cells (osteoblasts) lay down new bone on the tension side. And voila, the tooth begins to move! If the orthodontic forces are too great, some cell death occurs in the compression side and tooth movement is impeded (up to 7-14 days) due the need to recruit adjacent cells. Ideally, light force application triggers the biological response needed to move teeth without creating excessive inflammation and cell death.

The personal experience.
What does a person experience during and after an orthodontic adjustment? If the patient is in braces, the wires are either adjusted or changed at their appointment. The patient walks out of the office feeling tightness in their teeth, which is then followed by soreness for the next 3 to 6 days. What is happening is that the teeth are receiving high force and the adjustment diminishes over several days until the tissues respond and heal. With Invisalign, the patient receives new aligners that are changed weekly. Each aligner imparts a low force load that stays fairly constant over the week allowing for light continuous forces to be exerted in a more uniform fashion. As a result, the degree of tooth discomfort is minimal with aligner changes and the teeth/supporting tissues do not experience as much pathological insult throughout treatment.
So, what is the secret sauce for efficient tooth movement?
Light continuous pressure over an extended period of time creates the magic. This combination results in the most effective and comfortable straightening of your teeth in the shortest time. And what is the best way to accomplish this? Invisalign, of course!
If you have questions about the benefits of Invisalign treatment, please call Visage Orthodontics to schedule a visit with Dr. Tanner, your Santa Fe Invisalign specialist. Dr. Tanner will review everything in detail and develop a customized treatment plan to fit your lifestyle and budget.
A confident and beautiful smile is right around the corner!
Invisalign Teen – The Right Choice!
One of the greatest gifts that we can give our teenagers is straight teeth and a healthy smile. To accomplish this goal, it is important that our teens “buy” into the process and fully comply in order to achieve the best possible outcome. Teenagers want to have a say in their treatment and recent surveys indicate that teens strongly prefer clear aligners to braces.

Not only is a semi-permanent solution like braces daunting, but also it is a choice that, once made, can’t be reversed until the treatment is completed. With hyper-awareness of appearance and pressure from social media, braces can be one more challenge for a teen’s self-confidence during their crucial developmental years
The great benefit of Invisalign is that it provides an aesthetic, more flexible way to give teenagers the confidence of a great smile. Invisalign aligners are comfortable, removable, and nearly invisible, which means teenagers can carry on enjoying life without the restrictions, irritation, and self-consciousness often associated with metal brackets and wires.

- Because Invisalign aligners can be removed, this allows teens to continue their normal brushing and flossing regimen. Consequently, there is less chance of plaque, decay and gum disease, and a healthier smile for your teen. Invisalign is made of a smooth, comfortable BPA free plastic that is custom molded to the teeth for a highly accurate fit and optimal comfort.
- There are no limitations on what can be eaten during orthodontic treatment. The aligners are removed prior to meals / snacking and no foods are off-limits. Best of all nothing sticks to the teeth, unlike what a patient with braces experiences after eating.
- There are no wires to poke or brackets to break, which means there are no orthodontic emergencies. The average orthodontic patient in braces has at least three additional emergency appointments throughout the duration of treatment – many times these problems arise late in the evening, on weekends, or when out of town.
- Invisalign aligners can act as a mouth guard for active teens. Many middle school and high school sports do not require mouth guards to participate but injuries to the teeth and mouth still occur from trauma. Invisalign reduces the risk of injury while the teeth are being moved into an ideal position.
- Teens are under tremendous stress. This can result in clenching and grinding during the day and even more so while sleeping. Invisalign aligners protect the teeth from abnormal wear or stress fractures from these para-functional habits. In addition, wear can be detected on the aligners (during treatment) from these habits. A recommendation will then prescribe for a night guard in the retention phase of care.
- Treatment time with Invisalign Teen is shorter than traditional braces by 6 to 9 months. This means fewer visits to the office, quicker results, and less time out of you and your teen’s busy schedule. Best of all, the average case cost is the same or less than traditional braces for the latest technology in teeth straightening.
- There are no additional costs associated with Invisalign Teen. If an aligner is lost or broken, Align Technology (the manufacturer of Invisalign) will supply up to six free individual aligners.
- Worn as directed, Invisalign aligners will achieve results that match or exceed those seen with traditional braces. Over 9 million patients have been successfully treated with Invisalign aligners; the product is backed by years of research and product development. Invisalign continues to grow in market share and will someday be the leading treatment option for orthodontic tooth movement.
Give your teen the gift of self-confidence and good oral health! It’s a gift that lasts a lifetime! If you have questions about the benefits of Invisalign treatment, please call us at 505-670-6145 or visit our contact page to schedule a complimentary consultation with me, Dr. Tanner, your Santa Fe Invisalign specialist.
How to Choose the Right Invisalign Orthodontist
- Should you pick the least expensive lnvisalign provider?
- Does it matter if you go to a dentist or orthodontist for Invisalign treatment?
- Does experience make a difference with Invisalign?
- How do you find an Invisalign provider with clinical expertise and a great reputation?
Read on and you’ll feel more confident on your search, knowing exactly what you should ask your prospective Invisalign orthodontists, and more.
The Cheapest Invisalign Provider is Not the Best Value in the End
The most experienced orthodontists calculate their fees to allow for the best care possible, so they don’t have to resort to cutting corners and taking shortcuts just to reduce costs. Invisalign is a system that requires precision from start to finish. That means using a high resolution scanner (such as iTero) to capture a 3D image of your teeth and taking quality photos or x-rays to produce the most accurate set of records for treatment planning and aligner fabrication. In addition to the Invisalign aligners, it is important that the provider uses the best ancillary products such as quality attachment material, buttons, elastics, polishing strips, and retainers to ensure success. You should never go to a provider where the materials or techniques are “probably good enough”. This especially holds true with any of the do-it-yourself orthodontic companies (Smile Direct Club, Candid, Byte, and many others). Their materials are inferior; there is no supervision; many of the outcomes are substandard (just Google “Smile Direct Club Horror Stories”). Cheap – yes, but can you afford to settle for anything less than ideal when it comes to your smile and your bite?
There is a Big Difference Between a Dentist and an Orthodontist
The primary differences between a general dentist and an orthodontist are their level of training and clinical experience. A general dentist receives little to no training in dental school for orthodontics, while an orthodontist has 2 to 3 years of specialty training. All Orthodontists are dentists but only 7% of dentists are university-trained orthodontists. In residency, orthodontists learn about the biological basis of tooth movement, growth and development of the jaws and face, biomechanics, appliance systems, and treatment planning. In private practice, orthodontists focus solely on straightening teeth and correcting malocclusions. General dentists, on the other hand, wear many hats. They typically do only a handful of Invisalign cases in a year. It is important to go to a specialist who is trained specifically in the field of tooth movement and practices his or her craft on a daily basis.
Experienced Orthodontist= Outstanding Final Results
When it comes to straightening teeth, experience matters most – even among orthodontists.
Here is a good analogy – if you’re going to hire someone to paint the interior of your home, would you choose the painter who just started painting and has completed only a few jobs? Or, would you hire the painter who’s been painting homes every day for the past fifteen years? After all, paint is paint.
Why are direct-to-consumer aligners not a good idea?
So the real question is, “Why choose the more experienced painter?”
There are four major reasons:
- The experienced painter will be more efficient
- The experienced painter will provide a guarantee
- The experienced painter’s product will be of the highest quality
- The experienced painter’s results will look good for many years
If you’ve ever needed a home repair or update, you know already that not all contractors are the same. They’re all putting paint on walls, but the results and your experience during and afterward… will be totally different based on who you hire for the job. With Invisalign, we are talking about something considerably more important and complex than paint on walls – but the same rules apply. You want someone with extensive Invisalign experience to ensure that your teeth are looking and feeling as good as possible for the rest of your life.
How to find an Experienced and Reputable Invisalign Orthodontist
Good news! Invisalign has made it easy for consumers to find an experienced orthodontist using Invisalign’s “Doctor locator” Tool. This tool can be found on their website here. To use this tool, all you have to do is:
- Type in your zip code
- Hit Search
- Review Invisalign doctors in your area
You can sort these search results by patient’s age (teens versus adults), dentists/orthodontists, distance from where you live, and “Tier level”.
The two most important search parameters are whether the Invisalign provider is a dentist or an orthodontist and the tier level. “Tier Level” is a metric that shows how many Invisalign cases the doctor starts each year. Providers in the Gold Plus Tier and above typically treat more than 100 patients a year with Invisalign. This is a good indicator of the orthodontist’s level of experience with the Invisalign system. Yet, there are other factors to consider when choosing an Invisalign orthodontist.
Here are some questions to ask your orthodontist before making your decision:
• How long have you been treating patients with Invisalign?
• How many cases have you treated in your practice with Invisalign?
• What Invisalign training have you done (meetings, peer-to-peer groups, advanced Invisalign courses, online continuing education, etc.)?
• Have you successfully treated other cases like mine with Invisalign?
• Is your practice exclusive to Invisalign?
In conclusion, be an informed consumer and employ common sense in order to make the right choice for your orthodontic care.
Smile… you are already halfway there!
Do you live in Santa Fe, NM, or our neighboring areas? Let Visage Orthodontics, your local Invisalign expert, be a part of the team that gives you a smile you can trust and believe in! Call us at 505-670-6145 or visit our contact page for a complimentary consultation.
DIY aligners — Safe or Sorry?
Over the past couple of years, many companies have begun offering DIY or direct to consumer aligners in response to the success and growing orthodontic market share of Invisalign. These start up companies tout their products as a simpler, more cost-effective solution to straighten teeth. The BIG question is, are these products safe and effective?
This vs that…
What is the process for DIY aligners?
SmileDirectClub, Candid, EasySmile, Dandy, Byte are among some of the companies offering DIY clear aligners. For a small initial fee, the “patient” receives a kit with instructions on how to take their own dental impressions and upload photos of their teeth using a smartphone. Consumers are also asked to sign a pledge that they have seen a dentist and had X-rays taken. While none of these companies asks to see the X-ray images, a dentist “on staff’ determines if the case is suitable for treatment. If approved, the treatment fee is about $2000.
Things to consider with DIY aligners
In simple cases, some patients will achieve benefits. Will this type of treatment address important issues regarding the bite relationship or the health of the jaw joints and gums, as it relates to the orthodontic problem? No, it cannot. It behooves the patient to determine what is right for themselves first by seeking a complete diagnosis from an orthodontic specialist. Bypassing the orthodontist results in the patient making decisions about their care based only on what they perceive as important – not what is medically appropriate. Only a trained and certified orthodontist has the knowledge to determine what is best for a patient.
What can go wrong with DIY orthodontics?
Gum Disease & Gum Loss
Before any orthodontic treatment begins, it’s important that a dentist or orthodontist check a patient’s gums and supporting bone for any sign of periodontal disease. If teeth are moved within diseased gums, there is a risk of long-term damage and subsequent gum recession.
Teeth Movement
Sure, you might be successful in moving your teeth with DIY methods, but will they move in the right direction or at the right angle? It takes years of experience to know how to shift teeth into their desired position in a safe and effective way. If not, teeth may be prone to relapse or undesirable wear due to improper positioning.
Loss of Bone and Teeth
The worst outcome for a person doing DIY orthodontics is to lose a tooth or loss of bone that holds teeth in place. Both have a devastating impact. The cost to place an implant and crown to replace a lost tooth will far exceed the initial DIY treatment fee.
Dissatisfaction with the Result
Many people are heartbroken when their mail order orthodontics doesn’t deliver the result they had hoped (or were promised). They may have spent years wishing they could fix their teeth and when they saw the ad for budget orthodontics, they thought it would answer their wishes. Now their only option is to live with the outcome or pay an orthodontist to achieve the desired result.
DIY Beware!
Just because a consumer could straighten their own teeth doesn’t mean that they should. There is a legitimate reason why orthodontists acquire seven years of post-college education to become experts at the science and art of orthodontics. It is naive to think that such qualifications can be matched by an “ortho-by-mail” and without a supervision process. DIY orthodontics could cause permanent damage to teeth, such as root shortening, bone or tooth loss, tooth decay or other serious problems.
Taking care of your smile should be important. Let Visage Orthodontics, your Santa Fe Invisalign expert, be a part of the team that gives you a smile you can trust and believe in! Call us at 505-670-6145 or visit our contact page for a complimentary consultation.
7 Things to Know Before Starting Invisalign
Straightening teeth is serious business even though it is all about making beautiful smiles. As with any medical or dental procedure, it is important to get as much information as possible so that you can make the best informed decision. Here are some things to consider when looking into treatment with Invisalign clear aligners.

There is a big difference between DIY orthodontic aligner treatment and Invisalign treatment. Some online DIY orthodontic companies make their treatment sound so easy. Perhaps you take a selfie and/or an impression of your teeth or get your teeth scanned. Next, you receive aligners in the mail and after so many months – straight teeth! Right? What else is there to think about? Well, there is a lot to think about. Moving teeth orthodontically is challenging and involves many factors to achieve a healthy, aesthetic, and functional smile.
Unmonitored treatment can lead to potentially irreversible and expensive damage such as tooth and gum loss, changed bites and other issues.
Consider this question:
What transforming medical treatment would you undergo without an in-person, pre-treatment evaluation or ongoing in-person supervision from a medical professional?
Invisalign is the leader in clear aligner therapy with over 20 years of experience, industry leading research and development, plus successful treatment of over 6 million cases Invisalign invests a significant amount of time and money to continually enhance their system in order to achieve the best clinical outcomes. Why choose the rest when you can have the best – your smile is worth it!
1 – Your teeth and mouth should be in optimal health prior to starting Invisalign treatment.
Moving teeth orthodontically puts strain and stress on the gums and bone that support your teeth. It is critical that the overall health of your mouth is optimal potential problems should be addressed and corrected before starting your Invisalign treatment. In addition, you should advise your dentist and hygienist that you are interested in pursuing Invisalign. They may recommend completing certain restorative procedures such as crowns or fillings in advance. The Invisalign aligners are designed and manufactured to custom fit to your teeth. If there are any changes to the anatomy of your teeth during your treatment (such as a new crown), the aligners may not fit and a new scan will need to be made. This can create a delay in the overall length of treatment.
2 – One other thought on caring for your teeth during Invisalign treatment.
Your dentist or hygienist may advise that you come more frequently for teeth cleanings to closely monitor the health of your gums. Consequently, it may be advisable to have three to four dental checkups per year. Remember the goal is to not only give you the best smile but also maintain the health of your mouth!
3 – Don’t rule yourself out as an Invisalign candidate
Many patients have been told that they are not good candidates for Invisalign treatment or that Invisalign is not appropriate for their type of bite. This is simply not true! With advances in the Invisalign system, almost every type of malocclusion can now be treated with Invisalign aligners. And in many cases, the final result will be superior to what can be achieved with traditional braces. The critical factor is the experience of the Invisalign provider.
Moving teeth with plastic is a lot different from moving teeth with braces. Orthodontists have 2 to 3 years of advanced training in moving teeth and typically the more cases an orthodontist has completed with Invisalign, the better the results. So keep on looking until you find a provider that says “Yes” for your Invisalign treatment!

4 – Age is not a factor in moving teeth.
Teeth are designed to biologically move and adjust throughout your lifetime. Teeth can be straightened whether you are 8 or 80! Don’t let age be a factor in determining whether you want to improve the fit and alignment of your teeth. If your current bite is causing damage or making it difficult to clean your teeth, don’t wait. Every dentist will tell you that the best oral health comes from having your own natural teeth intact and present. Fillings, veneers, crowns, bridges, and/or implants have their place, but they are not the same as your real teeth. Be proactive and fix small problems before they become big problems. It is never too late!
5 – Invisalign costs the same as traditional braces
For most people, cost is a concern. A common misconception is that Invisalign, which is perceived as a superior or more “advanced” treatment, is going to be more expensive than traditional forms of orthodontic care. This is not the case! Most practices charge the same for Invisalign as they do for braces. The goal is to provide the right treatment for you and to make sure that cost is not a barrier to getting Invisalign treatment.
6 – Invisalign cases typically treat out faster than traditional braces cases.
One of the great advantages is that Invisalign cases can typically be treated in a shorter time frame than similar cases treated with braces. You may wonder how this can be possible. It has to do with a couple of key factors:
- First, the forces applied by Invisalign aligners are more gentle but continuous in nature. This allows the supporting bone and gums to respond to tooth movements in a healthier and natural biological manner. This results in less inflammation and more rapid tooth movement.
- Second, the design of the Invisalign system is such that all tooth movements are programmed for simultaneous and predictable positioning of the teeth with each set of aligners. This is a different process than with traditional braces where adjustments are made at one appointment and each subsequent appointment is a response to the prior tooth adjustments.
- A good analogy is that Invisalign is like taking a straight path from point A to point B. With traditional braces, it is like taking a path with small zigzags to get to the same destination. What path would you rather walk?
7 – Invisalign is more comfortable than traditional braces
Whatever you have heard about moving teeth – throw out with yesterday’s spoiled trash. Invisalign is by far and away more comfortable than traditional braces. Most patients experience less discomfort with Invisalign and typically the soreness lasts for less than a day. In addition, the aligners feel smooth in the mouth and rarely cause any type of irritation to the inside of the lips and cheeks. Furthermore, when starting treatment, the adjustment time to adapting to the first set of aligners is short (1 to 2 days) versus weeks of adjustment to traditional braces. Last, there are no emergencies with Invisalign. No poking wires, broken brackets, cuts to the lips from an inadvertent bump to the mouth etc. All the more reasons to choose Invisalign to move your teeth!
If you have questions about the benefits of Invisalign treatment, please call Visage Orthodontics at 505-670-6145 or visit our appointment page to schedule a complimentary consultation with me, Dr. Tanner, your Santa Fe Invisalign specialist. I will review everything in detail and develop a customized treatment plan to fit your lifestyle and budget. A confident and beautiful smile is right around the corner!